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“Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing, and an applied approach to optimal functioning. It has also been defined as the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities, and organizations to thrive.”

Source: Positive Psychology Institute

In today’s world, where mental health concerns are increasingly prevalent, the importance of leveraging positive psychology has never been greater. At Positive Psychology for Life, our commitment lies in using our deep knowledge and expertise to empower individuals, organizations, and communities. We focus on preventative strategies and meaningful interventions applicable to daily life.

Our goal is straightforward: to provide scholarly insights and practical applications, arming you with effective tools to bring about real change in your home, classroom, workplace, or community. We aim to transform these environments into supportive spaces to encourage well-being and personal growth.

Engaging with the principles of positive psychology offers the chance to initiate a cascade of beneficial effects. Embark on this path as we strive towards a world where mental well-being is prioritized, and everyone can thrive personally and professionally.


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"Human beings can change their lives by changing their attitudes of mind."

— This insight from William James highlights a timeless truth at the heart of our work at Positive Psychology for Life. As a consultancy, we're dedicated to offering individuals and teams in-depth knowledge and practical skills to foster success across personal and professional arenas.

At the core of our philosophy is the belief in the power of continuous growth, creativity, and learning. Our offerings reflect this ethos, dedicated to advancing both personal and professional development. We value and celebrate our instructors' and participants' diverse backgrounds and cultures, recognizing that such diversity significantly enhances our collective learning journey.

We aim to enable individuals and teams to realize their potential and explore new possibilities. Through engaging and interactive sessions, workshops, and seminars, we provide the essential tools and insights needed to navigate the complexities of today's world successfully.


About the Founder:

Meet Dr. Katere Adeseko-Pourseied, a passionate applied positive psychologist and seasoned senior lecturer dedicated to empowering individuals to lead happier, healthier lives. With a diverse background encompassing mental health, early intervention, parenting practices, and research methods, Dr. Kati brings over a decade of experience in teaching and academic study to her work.

Driven by a vision to integrate scientifically validated techniques into everyday life, Dr. Kati founded Positive Psychology for Life. Through this platform, she shares her expertise in emotional regulation, stress management, and personal growth, offering workshops, consultations, and mentoring services meticulously designed to elevate well-being and performance.

As the Applied Positive Psychologist at Unmind and CEO of Positive Psychology for Life, she extends her impact globally, curating customized workshops, contributing to cutting-edge digital mental health platforms, and collaborating with organizations, educational institutions, and individuals alike. With an unwavering commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering meaningful change, Dr. Kati is dedicated to helping others unlock their full potential and thrive in all aspects of life.

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