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According to the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2019):
  • Mental, neurological and substance use disorders make up 10% of the global burden of disease and 30% of non-fatal disease burden.

  • Around 1 in 5 of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental health disorder.

  • Depression is one of the leading causes of disability, affecting 264 million people.

  • About half of mental disorders begin before the age of 14.

  • Almost 800 000 people die by suicide every year; 1 person dies from suicide every 40 seconds. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in individuals aged 15-29 years.

  • Around 1 in 9 people in settings affected by conflict have a moderate or severe mental disorder.

  • People with severe mental disorders die 10 to 20 years earlier than the general population.

  • Rates on mental health workers vary from below 2 per 100 000 population in low-income countries to over 70 per 100 000 in high-income countries.

  • Less than half of the 139 countries that have mental health policies and plans report having these aligned with human rights conventions.

  • The global economy loses about US$ 1 trillion per year in productivity due to depression and anxiety.

World Health Organization (2019, October 2). 10 Facts on Mental Health. Retrieved from

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In today’s workforce, addressing the impact of burnout and promoting mental well-being has become increasingly important. A 2020 UK survey highlights the urgency of this issue, revealing that 1 in 5 people struggle with work stress, and a significant 88% of workers have reported feeling overwhelmed by work demands since 2020. These figures shed light on the widespread challenge of managing work stress and call for collective action to foster healthier workplace environments.

The survey also found that 85% of UK adults have experienced symptoms often associated with burnout, such as fatigue and disengagement, but confused this with anxiety. This mix-up points to the need for better awareness and understanding of the signs of burnout and overwork, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing these from mental health conditions. It highlights a broader systemic issue, suggesting that addressing workplace and societal factors is crucial for practical solutions.

Furthermore, the economic and social effects of unaddressed work stress are profound, with depression and anxiety contributing to a loss of twelve billion working days annually worldwide and costing the global economy about US$1 trillion each year in lost productivity. This situation underscores the importance of supportive work environments that aim to reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.

Our mission focuses on creating a culture that values and promotes mental well-being in the workplace. By offering comprehensive support and resources, we strive to empower individuals and organizations to prioritize a healthy work-life balance and mental wellness. Our goal is to establish workplaces where everyone can thrive, contribute their best, and enjoy a fulfilling and more sustainable professional life.

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